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30 Day Challenges for Cubs to Do While at Home

30 Day Challenges for Cubs to Do While at Home
David Madison
/ Categories: Activities, Remote Scouting

30 Day Challenges for Cubs to Do While at Home

Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos

POSTED BY Greater Niagara Falls Council, BSA on Facebook

Help your Lions, Bobcats, Wolves, Bears, and Webelos keep their skills sharp by taking these 30-day challenge with activities to help with adventure and elective requirements.



  • Week 1: Lions Honor and Fun on the Run
  • Week 2: Animal Kingdom and Mountain Lion
  • Week 3: King of the Jungle and I'll Do It Myself
  • Week 4: Gizmos and Gadgets and Build It Up, Knock It Down
  • Week 5: On Your Mark and Rumble in the Jungle



  • Week 1 and 2: Games Tigers Play
  • Week 3: Family Stories, Floats and Boats
  • Week 4 and 5: Sky's the Limit, Safe and Smart



  • Week 1: Paws on the Path
  • Week 2: Running with the Pack
  • Week 3: Cubs who Care and Motor Away
  • Week 4: Code of the Wolf
  • Week 5: Hometown Heros



  • Week 1: Fur, Feathers and Ferns
  • Week 2: Paws for Action Robotics
  • Week 3: Super Science Roaring Laughter
  • Week 4: Bear Picnic Basket, Beat of the Drum
  • Week 5: Critter Care 



  • Week 1: Stronger, Faster, Higher
  • Week 2: Art Explosion
  • Week 3: Build My Own Hero, Aware and Care
  • Week 4: Project Family, Maestro!
  • Week 5: Cast Iron Chef
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