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Adirondack paddle adventure in the Upper Saranac Wild Forest.

Adirondack paddle adventure in the Upper Saranac Wild Forest.
Henk de Smidt
/ Categories: High Adventure

Adirondack paddle adventure in the Upper Saranac Wild Forest.

Indian Carry to Buck Island and on to Follensby Clear Pond

ADVENTURE LOG - 6/26/2024 to 6/30/2024

Day one: Arrived at the Indian Carry Put-in around lunch and did our good deed for the day by loading a pallet of roofing shingles onto the pontoon boat “Chapel Bound”. We paddled 5 miles to Buck Island and camped at the east and south camp sites. Please note, no overnight parking at Indian Carry put-in, park along NYS route 30.

Day two: Packed up camp and paddled 3 miles into Follensby Clear Pond (FCP) where we camped on the largest island using the south and north sites. Beautiful sunset paddle.

Day three: This was our main paddle day, 15 miles with 4 portages. From FCP we back-tracked into Fish Creek Ponds and paddled upstream Fish Creek to Floodwood Ponds for an island lunch at an eagle scout provided picnic table. On to Rollins, Whey and Copperas Ponds to make it back to Fish Creek with one final portage into FCP.

Day four: This was our rain day, some went to visit the Wild Center in Tupper, others hung around camp, played camps and some took a paddle exploring FCP.

Day Five: Early rise, with thunder in the distance. Broke camp fast and paddle 0,5 miles to take-out , Vehicles and trailer had been shuttled to FCP take-out on day three based on today’s forecast. We loaded up the boats and drove back to Indian Carry put-in. Some paddled the 0.8 miles and others took the pontoon shuttle to Chapel Island for a Sunday morning service were we sat dry under a newly installed roof.


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Henk de SmidtHenk de Smidt

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