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NEW - Laudato Si Activity Patch - Catholic Scouting NEW - Laudato Si Activity Patch - Catholic Scouting

NEW - Laudato Si Activity Patch - Catholic Scouting

Laudato Si is the 2015 Encyclical letter of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, on Care For Our Common Home.

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Laudato Si means Praise to You and is part of the beautiful canticle of Saint Francis of Assisi. It reminds us that our common home, the Earth, is like a sister that we share our life with and our beautiful mother who welcomes us into her arms. We need to learn how to care for our common home and understand that how we treat our home reflects how we care for each other.

Planning a Fishing Fun Day for Senior Living Centers! Planning a Fishing Fun Day for Senior Living Centers!

Planning a Fishing Fun Day for Senior Living Centers!

community service project hours

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An idea in planning for a Senior Living Center... a day of fishing fun yet letting the youth leaders in your troop put it altogether from start to finish while counting it as community service project hours! A Scout is thrifty so one can pass the materials down the line to another troop which utilizing their leadership skills to teach them the ropes!


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