David Madison / Sunday, October 6, 2019 / Categories: Camping, Hiking High Tor Wildlife Preservation Camping and Backpacking - Naples, NY Contact D.E.C. Region 8 - Avon office 585-226-2466, region8@dec.ny.gov There are 2 campsites by permit only. We camp at Overlook campsite.We park at the Bassett Rd. Parking Lot at 42.6001015 degrees N/77.3635025 degrees W. And hike in. Scouts backpack gear, food in. One out house. One lean-to with small fire-pit near by. One large fire “square” overlooking valley and a bit of Canandaigua Lake. One large metal bear box One large metal pole (to tree your trash)A key to gate is provided with permit. One vehicle can drive to campsite (this is your emergency vehicle - carries water and any big gear wanted) This should be a vehicle with a bit of higher suspension as the service road is beginning to get a bit rutted in spots. (Ex. not great for a minivan loaded down - may drag on bottom) Previous Article Mystic Seaport Maritime Museum Next Article God and Church Religious Emblem ONLINE Class Print 2767 Rate this article: 3.0 Scouting TypeScoutingVenturingSea ScoutsPhone Number585-226-2466CityNaplesStateNew YorkCountryUnited StateseMail Addressregion8@dec.ny.govLocationNaples, NySeason/Time of YearYear Round David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Please login or register to post comments.