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Knots in action

Knots in action
David Madison
/ Categories: Meeting Ideas

Knots in action

Working with knots that can be used in different real world scenarios.

This meeting idea steps it up and brings in more complex knots that can be used in real world situations. Here are some great knots to teach that are really super simple too. A barrel sling. A Scaffold knot. A highwayman Hitch. Thieves knot. A Sheep Shank. A Trucker's hitch, A mooring hitch. Bowline on a Bite. There are so many more... Wtih any knot that you are teaching use the EDGE method. Tell what the knot is used for and provide an example. Demonstrate how to the tie the knot, then break it down and do it slowly, step by step. At the end of your month or at a designated meeting after you have taught these knots and the basic knots, create situational challenges that would require the use of these knots without telling the scout patrol what knots to use.

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  • Sea Scouts

David MadisonDavid Madison

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