David Madison / Monday, September 2, 2019 / Categories: Activities, Camping National Soaring Museum Gliders, Aviation, Camp over night The National Soaring Museum is an aviation museum whose stated aim is to preserve the history of motorless flight. It is located on top of Harris Hill near Elmira, New York, United States. The NSM is the Soaring Society of America's official repository. In 1975, the SSA Board of Directors transferred the Soaring Hall of Fame to the National Soaring Museum. Explore the history of Soaring, Learn about aviation, spend the night. Previous Article Scout Brigade of Fort George Next Article Camp Gorton Print 1491 Rate this article: 3.0 Scouting TypeFamily ScoutingScoutingVenturingSea ScoutsPhone Number607-734-3128Website URLwww.soaringmuseum.org/Street51 Soaring Hill Dr., Harris HillCityElmiraStateNew YorkZipcode/Postal Code14903CountryUSALocationFinger Lakes NYSeason/Time of YearYear-round More links https://www.soaringmuseum.org/ David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author 1 comments on article "National Soaring Museum" Deaf Scouter With the Museum there is also a nearby Amusement Park. It is small and sides with a local town park. The town park can be another place to stay overnight at while being closer to the Amusement Park. Here is the website for the Amusement Park: https://harrishillamusements.com/ 6/18/2021 8:26 AM Please login or register to post comments.
Deaf Scouter With the Museum there is also a nearby Amusement Park. It is small and sides with a local town park. The town park can be another place to stay overnight at while being closer to the Amusement Park. Here is the website for the Amusement Park: https://harrishillamusements.com/ 6/18/2021 8:26 AM