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Night Geocaching

Night Geocaching
David Madison
/ Categories: Activities

Night Geocaching

Add a twist to the traditional geocache!

Geocaching is a fun activity to get your Scouts outside and working together.  Who doesn't like a puzzle? Searching for something hidden based on a couple clues, some coordinates and GPS device.  Now, for a twist try this a night!

A night cache can really add a fun twist to the whole experience! These type of caches usually involve clues and reflective trail markers that light up as you shine a flash light.

Night Caches are best searched for in the dark. Not for the easily spooked, these caches come in all types — Traditional, Multi, Mystery, Wherigo caches amongst others. Make sure to come prepared with a flashlight or headlamp, some extra batteries, and maybe even a glow-in-the-dark pen.

To find Night Caches, you often have to follow reflectors that guide you to the hide or glow-in-the-dark ink that can only be seen in the dark and requires a UV flashlight.


Type Location(s) Description Link
 List  MI, MN, WI, and some others.  List of caches  Link
 Cache  FL  The "Blatantly Obvious" Night Cache  Link
 List  Portland, OR  Night caches around Portland area  Link
 List  WA  Caches around Washington  Link
 List  CT, OH, MA, MI, NJ, NV, NY, PA, VA, WV, Ontario  Recommended Night Caches by TeamDotOne  Link
 List  NY, OH, PA    Link

If you are aware of night time caches, share them with us by sending an email to

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David MadisonDavid Madison

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