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Outdoor Flag Ceremony Procedure

Outdoor Flag Ceremony Procedure
David Finger
/ Categories: Ceremonies

Outdoor Flag Ceremony Procedure

Opening an event procedure and Closing event procedure

Outdoor Flag Ceremony Procedure

Opening Flag Ceremony Procedure

A proper color guard requires two people per flag to raise and lower the colors. If more than the U.S. flag is being used, the U.S. flag is raised first in the morning, and last in the evening.

The procedure is as follows to raise the flag.

"Color guard, attention!"
The color guard comes to attention

"Camp, attention!"
The audience stands at attention.

"Color guard, advance!"
The color guard advances to the poles.

"Color guard, prepare to post colors!"
The color guard attaches the flag to the halyard.

"Hand salute!"
All salute, except the Scout raising the colors; the assistant salutes once the flag has cleared his hands.

"Color guard, post colors!"
The flag is raised briskly to the top of the pole.

"To the colors" is played if a bugle is used.

When the flag stops at the top:

If using the Pledge of Allegiance, it should be now, while the salute is held.

All stop saluting. The color guard ties the halyard to secure the flag. The process is repeated with any other flags being raised together; no salute is given.

When the line is secure:

"Color guard, dismissed!"
The color guard retreats.

A patriotic song or a reading may be done at this point.

"Camp, at ease!"
The audience disperses.

Closing procedures

To lower the flag in the evening:

"Color guard, attention!"
The color guard comes to attention.

"Camp, attention!"
The audience stands at attention.

"Color guard, advance!"
The color guard advances to the poles.

"Color guard, prepare to lower the colors!"
The color guard unties the halyard from the pole.

Any other flags are lowered first and folded bedsheet style.

"Hand salute!"
All salute, except the Scout lowering the colors; the assistant salutes until the flag is in his hands.

"Color guard, lower the colors!"
Retreat, sounds now, if used.

The U.S. flag is lowered slowly, with dignity.

When the flag is touched by the assistant:

All stop saluting, remaining at attention while the U.S. flag is properly folded-triangle style.

When finished.

"Color guard, dismissed!"
The color guard retreats.

"Camp, at ease!"
The audience disperses.

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