Chet Yoder / Friday, November 22, 2019 / Categories: Activities, Camping Scout-o Scout orienteering competition weekends The Scout Orienteering Camporees are events where Scouts will learn Orienteering skill development and racing to have fun, and to learn map-reading, navigational, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Scouts will also complete many requirements of the orienteering merit badge and rank advancement requirements. Orienteering courses are available for all levels–come to learn or fine-tune your skills. Scouts, BSA and Venture Crews are welcome to attend! These events are commonly hosted by a local orienteering club and you can find them all over the country. If you don't know of one in your area, check with your local orienteering club to see if they host one currently, or might want to host one for your unit, district or council. Check out the list of Scout-O events that we have collected below. And as always, if you know of an event that we do not have listed, please let us know and we'll add it to the list. Previous Article Lumps of Coal Next Article The Barbarian Birthday Dirge Print 1593 Rate this article: 5.0 Scouting TypeScoutingVenturingSea Scouts More links Central NY Scout-O Dan Beard Council Scout-o is the Scout Orienteering section of the New England Orienteering Club Bay Area Orienteering Club Scout-o Central NY in Fabius Scout-o at McGyver State Park, Oregon Camp Crooked Creek Scout-o Broadcreek Scout-oBaltimore Longhorn Council Scout-o Beaumont Scout-oSt. Lois Louisville Scout-o Mayflower Council Scout-o Chet YoderChet Yoder Other posts by Chet Yoder Contact author Please login or register to post comments.