Shooting Sports in Cub Scouts Shooting Sports in Cub Scouts A presentation to describe shooting sport opportunities in Cub Scouts/Family Scouting Monday, March 20, 2023 0 2459 Baden-Powell had strong belief that firearm safety should be part of Scouting Program. In the early days most of the scouts grew up with firearms in their everyday use on farms and for hunting for food. The purpose of BSA shooting sports is to teach firearm safety while introducing youth to a variety of shooting sports programs. The BSA’s shooting sports programs are developed and implemented through age-appropriate training and experiences.
Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA A presentation to describe shooting sport opportunities in Scouts BSA Program Monday, March 20, 2023 0 2374 Baden-Powell had strong belief that firearm safety should be part of Scouting Program. In the early days most of the scouts grew up with firearms in their everyday use on farms and for hunting for food. The purpose of BSA shooting sports is to teach firearm safety while introducing youth to a variety of shooting sports programs. The BSA’s shooting sports programs are...
Scouting Along the Erie Canal Scouting Along the Erie Canal Erie Canal Historic Patch Friday, December 2, 2022 0 1438 Those of us that live a stones throw from the Erie Canal grew up singing "15 Miles on The Erie Canal" but do we really take the time to learn about how important this man made wonder is... Read more
Fort York, Canada Fort York, Canada Experience how union soldiers lived and drilled during the 1812 war period. Saturday, February 22, 2020 0 2212 Canada's largest collection of original War of 1812 buildings and 1813 battle site. Located in the heart of downtown Toronto, Fort York is open year-round and offers tours, exhibits, period... Read more