David Madison / Wednesday, May 20, 2020 / Categories: Activities, Remote Scouting 30 Day Challenge for Venture Scouts Venture Crews looking for a way to be positive during this Stay-At-Home period... Or any time! This set of daily challenges will get your fellow Venturers in the spirit to make a difference in the world when the world really needs it. Follow along with the calendar and check-off each day you participate Share your journey on social media with #VENTURINGATHOME Follow all public health regulations, such as Social Distancing Have fun, be positive and spread the spirit of Scouting! Download the Challenge Check out these other 30 day challenges that are for different levels of Scouting: Cub Scout Challenges: Lion, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light Cub Scout Challenges The Brownsea 30 Challenge. These are similar to the challenges above for Scouts in the Scouts BSA program Brownsea Challenge A 30 day challenge for Scouts BSA Scout BSA Challenges A 30 day challenge for Sea Scouts. Sea Scout Challenge Previous Article Virtual Summer Camps - Scouts BSA - The list Next Article Cub Scout Den Leader Resources Print 3583 Rate this article: 4.7 Tags: ChallengeHomeScoutingRemote Scouting Scouting TypeVenturing Documents to download 30-Day-Venturing-Challenge(.pdf, 1.01 MB) - 406 download(s) David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles Game: Mine Field Game: Blind Square Virtual Games with a Purpose - Boggle Virtual Summer Camps - Scouts BSA - The list RacDeever Virtual Summer Camp Adventure Please login or register to post comments.