David Madison / Monday, November 14, 2022 / Categories: Games Game: Blind Square Materials: 50-foot rope for each patrol, blindfolds for each Scout. Method: All patrol members are blindfolded and a 50-foot rope is thrown on the ground next to them. They are then instructed to make a square, using the full length of the rope lying on the ground next to them. No other instructions are given. If you do not have a 50-foot rope, you can use lengths of rope and instruct them to tie the ropes together with a square knot. In this case it is recommended to use an odd number of ropes so that the patrol doesn't simply use the knots as the corners. Note: This can be a very challenging activity! Circle-up/pick-up Previous Article 12 Days of Christmas Next Article Game: Grab my Stuff Print 546 Rate this article: No rating Tags: TeamworkChallengeActivitiesmeeting plansGame Scouting TypeFamily ScoutingScoutingVenturingSea Scouts Documents to download Game-Blind-Square(.docx, 25 KB) - 75 download(s) David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles 600 Scout Games Shooting Sports in Cub Scouts Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA Lolly Pop Farm Scout Programs The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits Please login or register to post comments.