David Pinto / Monday, November 9, 2020 / Categories: Activities, Camping Key Skills of Scouting Summary Sheet and Campout Plan As part of my Woodbadge ticket, I decided to compile a list of "The Key Skills of Scouting" These are the skills that every older Scout should have "at the ready" but that are sometimes forgotten as they move through the higher ranks. The list is completely unofficial and highly subjective. It is based mostly on the rank requirements leading to First Class as well as several campfire discussions with other Eagle Scouts. In addition to the list, I have also designed a "Scout Skills Boot Camp" overnight activity. The campout is designed to give older scouts an opportunity to review and teach the Key Skills to younger scouts using the EDGE method. I would very much welcome comments and suggestions for improvements to both the list and the activity. The links go to shared Google Doc pdf files Key Skills of Scouting Key Skills Boot Camp Previous Article ScoutActivity.com - Activity Voting Website resource Next Article Silent Night Print 5064 Rate this article: 3.7 Tags: Keep TryingDo our bestCampingPatrol Leaders CouncilActivities Scouting TypeScouting More links Key Skills of Scouting Key Skills Boot Camp David PintoDavid Pinto ASM Troop 167 Pittsford Other posts by David Pinto Contact author Related articles A Week at Scout Summer Camp - A Social Story Camp Merz Shooting Sports in Cub Scouts Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA Lolly Pop Farm Scout Programs Please login or register to post comments.