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Loyalty Isn’t Always Convenient - Scoutmaster Minute

Loyalty Isn’t Always Convenient - Scoutmaster Minute
David Madison
/ Categories: Scoutmaster Minutes

Loyalty Isn’t Always Convenient - Scoutmaster Minute

This I know about loyalty: it is never convenient! Suppose you make a commitment to do something and many people are counting on you to follow through with your word and obligation. The day before the commitment, you receive an invitation to an all-expenses-paid outing. The catch to this complementary outing is that it’s on the same day as your commitment to the first group. What do you do? Well that all depends on where your loyalty lies. If your loyalty is with your commitment, you’ll stay true to your word and fulfill your obligation. If not, you will break your promise to the first group, and take the excursion.

Being loyal is not easy, and it comes with great sacrifice at times. You must put self aside in order to fulfill your obligation to others. However, the impact can be great and shape lives for years to come.

When people think of loyalty, they often think of the devotion of a dog. Dogs are known to be loyal to their masters. A Scout is loyal to the principles of Scouting. Because of this loyalty, he builds strong friendships, is faithful to his country, and is steadfast to his faith. Even in the face of adversity, a Scout remains true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, nation and most of all God.

A Scout is Loyal.

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  • Sea Scouts

David MadisonDavid Madison

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