David Madison / Monday, October 23, 2023 / Categories: Gear & More Neckerchief Suppliers The neckerchief is the most distiguishing element to creating a troop's identity. Here are some great suppliers of quality neckerchiefs. Below are a list of supplies in ALPHABETETICAL order. This list is not a complete list and we are happy to add more as we learn about supplies. Please share. Chief Neckerchif - 201-445-3074 - New Jersey - https://chiefneckerchief.com/ Class B - 800-851-4020 - Florida - https://www.classb.com/bsa/neckerchiefs/ J&S Finishing - 201-854-0338 - New York - http://jnsneckerchiefs.com/neckerchief/ Jin Sheu Enterprises - 886-2-2225-6056 - Taiwan - https://promotionalgift4u.com/portfolio-item/boy-scout-neckerchief/ Just Neckers - 888-912-7378 - Washington - https://www.justneckers.com Moritz Embroidery Works - 800-533-4183 - Pennsylvania - https://www.moritzembroidery.com/2018/09/custom-neckerchiefs-from-the-moritz-embroidery-works/ The Scout Shop - 800-323-0736 - USA - https://www.scoutshop.org/custom-neckerchiefs-customneckerchiefs.html Stadri Emblems - 800-679-7909 - New York - https://www.stadriemblems.com/products/neckerchiefs/ Previous Article ILST - What is it? Next Article High Adventure Report - BSA 50 Miler. Adirondacks, NY Print 641 Rate this article: No rating Tags: Gear Scouting TypeFamily ScoutingScoutingVenturingSea Scouts David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles Looking for discounted Tents and other gear? Sign up at Hikerdirect.com 2 comments on article "Neckerchief Suppliers" David Madison Our troop has been getting our neckerchiefs from J&S Finishing. Silk screened with white piping, adult-sized. J&S does a great quality job and their prices are very reasonable. Great Quality, Great Price. 10/23/2023 10:54 AM David Madison Well, I hate to say this, but had a terrible experience with J&S this last time we ordered from them. December 2023. They lost our artwork and instead of asking us to resend it, they rebuilt it. And so, it didn't match. The material was not the same color, muted and terrible stiff and scratchy. We sent them back the neckerchiefs and asked them to refund our money. They still haven't refunded us. 3/2/2024 7:31 PM Please login or register to post comments.
David Madison Our troop has been getting our neckerchiefs from J&S Finishing. Silk screened with white piping, adult-sized. J&S does a great quality job and their prices are very reasonable. Great Quality, Great Price. 10/23/2023 10:54 AM
David Madison Well, I hate to say this, but had a terrible experience with J&S this last time we ordered from them. December 2023. They lost our artwork and instead of asking us to resend it, they rebuilt it. And so, it didn't match. The material was not the same color, muted and terrible stiff and scratchy. We sent them back the neckerchiefs and asked them to refund our money. They still haven't refunded us. 3/2/2024 7:31 PM