David Madison / Sunday, December 4, 2022 / Categories: Activities, Training ILST - What is it? Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops ILST was a topic presented by my troop's boy leaders at our district round table. The goal was to introduce other unit leaders to what this training was about, why their unit should consider running this training for their Scouts and how to have a successful course. In this post, we share the presentation geared toward a round table as well as our troop's powerpont that our Scouts use for the course. SLIDE 1 Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops Start your new leadership team off on the right foot SLIDE 2 What is ILST? ILST Stands for: Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops. It is an IN-UNIT training to teach scouts with Leadership positions: about their new roles. Understand their responsibilities. Equip them with organization and leadership skills to fulfill their responsibilities. How to be successful in their new role. SLIDE 3 What is the purpose of ILST? To help new leaders understand: What is expected of the Scout’s role? How does it fit with the other roles of the unit? What tools are there for the Scout to succeed at his/her role? Enable the Scout leaders to provide a fun and well run program for the unit during there term in the role. Start the process of Team Development for your new leaders. SLIDE 4 BSA's Youth Leadership Training Continuum ILST - Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops. NYLT - National Youth Leadership Training. NAYLE - National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience. Kodiak - And adventure to push the bounds and apply leadership skills. SLIDE 5 What does ILST Cover? Unit Organization How each role fits in a unit. Who reports to whom? How the adults support the Scouts. SLIDE 6 What does ILST Cover? Roles & Responsibilities What is expected. Who reports to whom. How adults support the Scouts. SLIDE 7 What does ILST Cover? Tools Communication Planning EDGE SLIDE 8 What does ILST Cover? Leadership & Teamwork Stages of Team Development Diversity and Inclusion Ethics and Values Servant Leadership SLIDE 9 It has ACTIVITIES Demonstration of points presented EXAMPLE Need a volunteer from the audience. A Scoutmaster, Cubmaster or Committee Chairman. Run activity - see syllabus for Balloon Game Reflection SLIDE 10 It also has GAMES Scouting is a Game with a Purpose EXAMPLE GAME - YURT CIRCLE Get into groups of even numbers - say 8 to 10 Run activity Reflect SLIDE 11 Suggestions for a successful ILST Course: WHEN should we hold one?: ANS: Run one shortly after your new leaders are elected for the new year. WHO should attend?: ANS: Invite all your new leaders to attend. SPL through APL. WHO should lead it?: ANS: Have your Scouts run the course and do the training. ANS: Split up the segments among multiple Scouts. WHERE should we hold it?: ANS: A weekend campout is ideal. Adds more bonding time. Could be a day training though. SLIDE 12 Questions? SLIDE 13 Thank You! For more information: https://www.scouting.org/youth https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/training/pdf/ILST_IntroSyllabus_9_11.pdf Find a copy of our unit's presentation in the document download section. There are similar trainings for: ILSC – Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews ILSS – Introduction to Leadership Skills for Ships Previous Article Ransburg Scout Reservation Next Article Neckerchief Suppliers Print 2606 Rate this article: 4.3 Tags: New Leadership PositionLeadershipPlanningScout Training Scouting TypeScoutingVenturingSea Scouts Documents to download Intro-to-ILST(.pdf, 3.22 MB) - 163 download(s) ILST_IntroSyllabus_9_11(.pdf, 2.42 MB) - 465 download(s) ILSTmanual(.pdf, 517.6 KB) - 614 download(s) ILST-Generic-Presentation(.pptx, 5.01 MB) - 200 download(s) ILSTpresentation(.ppsx, 517.9 KB) - 168 download(s) ILST-9-28-13-bsa-skin-Troop-5(.ppt, 833.5 KB) - 120 download(s) ILST2011-Troop-69(.ppt, 1.31 MB) - 156 download(s) ILSTC-rev3(.pptx, 13.1 MB) - 136 download(s) More links BSA Training Youth David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles Shooting Sports in Cub Scouts Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA You were created for Influence - Scoutmaster Minute Leaders you Love Leader's Crest Please login or register to post comments.