David Madison / Wednesday, November 16, 2022 / Categories: Activities Leader's Crest Background Some people might not have a family crest, but everyone knows what they are: a visual representation of that clan’s strengths. It’s something that explains the family. Activity Apply that same idea to leadership, and have everyone make a crest that represents the values, beliefs and ideas of a great leader. Have them break the crest or coat of arms into four categories, leadership skills, values that help influence others, recent accomplishments and what you like most about scouting. Reflection Which section was easiest? Does anything there reveal something about you that others might not know? Are the Scouting’s values reflected on the crest? Focus This game focuses on an often-overlooked leadership quality, alignment. It’s important to have your values align with your accomplishments and your patrol/unit’s values. Timing 8 minute work 2 minute share Previous Article Riddles for Joining Games or Patrol Challenges Next Article The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits Print 1003 Rate this article: 2.5 Tags: LeadershipTeamworkActivities Scouting TypeScoutingVenturingSea Scouts Documents to download crest(.docx, 25.55 KB) - 76 download(s) Game-Leader-Crest(.docx, 27.3 KB) - 81 download(s) David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles Shooting Sports in Cub Scouts Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA Lolly Pop Farm Scout Programs The MacScouter's Big Book of Skits Scout Skits, Songs and Stories Please login or register to post comments.