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Religious Websites for Scouting

Religious Websites for Scouting
David Madison
/ Categories: Duty to God

Religious Websites for Scouting

Sites and Organizations whose mission is to encourage Scouts to grow their faith

A Scout is Reverent

One of Scouting's main goals is to help young men and now women develop a strong moral compass... to be come men and women of great character.  Helping them to be grounded with a storng faith is a foundation for great character.  The Scout Oath and Scout Law are fantastic code of conduct to guide Scouts in the many chalenges they will face through out life.  Having a faith..., being reverent toward guide.... living life as if everything one does is for God will enable a Scout to stand firm against the tide of temptations they will face.

Many faith based organizations have been formed to come along side Scouting BSA  and provide young men and women with resources to grow their faith.   See our growing list of organizations that provide these resources. 

If you know of others, please let us know to add to this list.



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David MadisonDavid Madison

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