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You are who you hang out with - Scoutmaster Minute

You are who you hang out with - Scoutmaster Minute
David Madison
/ Categories: Scoutmaster Minutes

You are who you hang out with - Scoutmaster Minute

Have you heard the phrase "you are what you eat"?
This doesn't mean that if you eat sushi, you'll become a fish? Or if you eat a fruit, you'll become a banana? Or if you eat bacon, you'll become a pig? 
... Well maybe in that case it's true. 😉
It does refer to, if you eat unhealthily, you'll become unhealthy. Overweight, or logy, tired, or worse. It could kill you. You could die.
Now, there is a similar phrase "you are who you hang out with".
Now does this mean that the more I hang out with Kenny, I'll in time become Kenny?
…Or does it?
Won't I start to laugh at the things that he laughs at? Get frustrated when he gets frustrated? Use the same phrases as he does, Re-tell his jokes. Like who he likes, not like who he doesn't. Respect those he respects and disrespect those he does.  If he uses good language, positive words, positive attitudes then won't I use that too. If he uses bad language, negative words, negative attitudes, then won't I become more negative too.
Likely, I will… So be mindful of who you hang out with.
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David MadisonDavid Madison

I'm an Eagle Scout from Troop 130 of Marion, New York and become the Scoutmaster of Pittsford, New York Troop 167 in July, 2012, shortly after his my oldest son joined the troop.

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I joined the local cub scout pack at 6 years old because it looked like a lot of fun. My mom became my den leader just before webelos. As a webelos, I worked hard to earn my arrow of light. When it was time to decide on a troop to join, the choice was between Troop 137, a troop which much history, and the brand new Troop in town, Troop 130. My buddies and I all decided to join the new troop. With the 5 of us that joined, the troop had a count of 11 total members. I think I liked the size of it. It sure gave a young Scout some quick opportunities to hold leadership positions. At 13, I took on the challenges of Senior Patrol leader, C.I.T at camp and a trip to Philmont. At 14, I earned my Eagle Scout Rank, took another trip to Philmont as the Senior Patrol Leader of the contingent from Finger Lakes Council, and served the rest of the summer as a CIT at camp Babcock-Hovey.

Babcock-Hovey did a lot for a quiet, insecure and introverted teenager. My mentors there were amazing; they really demonstrated what servant leadership was and epitomized the Scout Spirit. They were the ones who inspired me to love Scouting. After a total of 7 years working on staff at Hovey in the Scout craft area, Personal Fitness director, Archery Directory and finally Assistant Field Sports director, I pulled myself away to focus on college and a career.

It wasn't until my oldest son Marc was turning 11 that Scouting came back in to my life. After 2 months in the troop, I learned that the Scoutmaster was stepping down to take care of his wife and that they needed someone to step in a replace him. When confronting the Scoutmaster that he couldn't step down... we just joined the troop... who would take over? He said quickly... 'I'm so glad you asked... we thought you would be a good person to step in to the position!' WHAT! No... Not now... Maybe after a couple years of seeing a troop from a dad's position I'd help out... but take over!? No!... I prayed about it and God showed me that this is where he wanted me. So, in July at Massawepie Scout camp, Rink Moffett turned over the reigns of the troop to me.

It has been an awesome experience! It is even more rewarding that simply working at Summer Camp. Seeing these young men grow, be tested and stretched, and then, only after a few years, grow into incredible leaders.

It's amazing!

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