David Madison / Sunday, April 12, 2020 / Categories: Activities, Remote Scouting 30 Day Brownsea Challenge Scouts between the ranks of Scouts and First Class NOTE: The registration for this specific event is past HOWEVER, This a great idea and set of challenges for Troops, Districts and Councils to use. To help keep your Scout Skills sharp, the Great Rivers Council will be commencing the 30 Day Brownsea Challenge. Scouts will work to complete requirements for rank advancements. The challenge will start on April 10th and end on May 9th. These activities can easily be completed from the comfort of your own home! This challenge will be broken up by rank. Complete the challenge and get an exclusive, limited 2020 Scout On Patch! To be eligible for the patch, you must register. Registration will begin April 3rd at 4 pm and end April 9th at 11:55 pm. Click the link or image of your rank below to download a copy of the 30-day challenge requirements The Great Rivers Council would like to also recognize and thank the Greater Niagra Frontier Council for helping develop this wonderfully organized program challenge! Wonder where the name Brownsea comes from and why it's so important to Scouting? Check out the Wikipedia page to find out! Register Here... Scout Challenge Tenderfoot Challenge 2nd Class Challenge 1st Class Challenge Previous Article Plans and Tips for All 95+ Cub Scout Adventures Next Article Virtual Cub Scout Activities Print 2408 Rate this article: No rating Tags: Remote Scouting Scouting TypeScouting Documents to download ScoutRankChallenge(.pdf, 151.35 KB) - 392 download(s) TenderfootRankChallenge(.pdf, 171.01 KB) - 235 download(s) 2ndClassChallenge(.pdf, 158.94 KB) - 251 download(s) FirstClassChallenge(.pdf, 159.23 KB) - 222 download(s) More links Registration Link David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles Virtual Games with a Purpose - Boggle Virtual Summer Camps - Scouts BSA - The list RacDeever Virtual Summer Camp Adventure Backyard Cub Adventure 30 Day Challenge for Venture Scouts Please login or register to post comments.