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Virtual Cub Scout Activities

Virtual Cub Scout Activities
Aaron Vikemyr
/ Categories: Activities, Remote Scouting

Virtual Cub Scout Activities

Seneca Waterways Council, BSA - Cub Scout Belt Loops Online

Virtual Cub Scout Activities are opportunities for Scouts to work on Cub Scout Activities with volunteers skilled in the field of study. The number of session we have scheduled has increased!

WOLF - Air of the Wolf 4/15,
WOLF - Adventures in Coins 4/17,
BEAR - Forensics 4/21,
WEBELOS - Moviemaking 4/22,
WOLF - Collections & Hobbies 4/24,
WEBELOS - Game Design 4/29, and
BEAR - Marble Madness 4/30!

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Virtual Cub Scout Activities are opportunities for Scouts to work on Cub Scout Activities with volunteers skilled in the field of study. Sessions are scheduled on Google Classroom, with a morning and an afternoon class. Detailes are e-mailed out typically the day before the scheduled class time.

We are working on adding more classes every week.

Cub Scout Activity registration costs are:

$5 donation per session

Ask us about our Lion and Tiger opportunities! If you have any questions please e-mail


Wolves - Digging in the Past

This elective adventure will help Wolf Scouts understand the formation of fossils, and the different types of dinosaurs.

Wolves – Cubs Who Care

This adventure is intended to help Wolf Scouts learn about physical disabilities. Wolf Scouts will learn empathy and awareness for different kinds of disabilities as well as a better understanding about how people with disabilities live within the world.

Wolves – Air of the Wolf (4/13 @ 1pm EDT)

This STEM-based adventure helps Wolves explore basic aspects of air – an often overlooked substance. Then they discover some of the many things that air can do for us.

WOLF – Adventures in Coins (4/17 @ 2:30pm EDT)

Coins are more than just money. In this adventure, Wolves will learn how to spot the various markings on a coin and identify the meanings. Through games and experiments, they will learn how to determine the value of a coin.

Wolves – Collections and Hobbies (4/24 @ 1pm EDT)

Everywhere we look, we see collections. A collection of plants is a garden; a collection of cows is a herd. And any group of objects that are similar and special to you counts as a collection, too. That collection tells others what you find interesting, and as you expand the collection, you gain new skills and understanding.



Bears - Robotics

Advances in science and technology have created a world of possibilities. Robots of many shapes and sizes can now perform tasks traditionally done by humans – from sensing the speed of a vehicle to sorting items based on color. In this elective adventure, Bear Scouts will learn how different types of robots are used and then create their own simple robotic figures.

Bears – Marble Madness (4/30 @ 1pm EDT)

In this adventure, Bears will learn about a game that has entertained people since the time of ancient Egypt and has been an important part of Scouting since its early days. They will experience individual competition and teamwork, helping others, learning rules, and being a good sport.

Bear – Forensics (4/21 @ 2:30pm EDT)

This adventure will help the Bear Scout learn about being observant, looking for clues, and solving situations with those clues.



Webelos - Engineer

This adventure will provide a fun way to learn about science and mathematics technologies and introduce Scouts to career options in engineering.

Webelos – Art Explosion

Many things inspire artists to create their work. People, nature, feelings, textures (how things feel), colors – almost everything can be an inspiration! In this adventure, Webelos Scouts will have the opportunity to find what inspires them by visiting an art museum or exhibit and creating their own pieces from any materials they choose.

Webelos – Game Design (4/29 @ 1pm EDT)

Scouts will use technology safely in this adventure to make fun games fueled by their own ideas. They will learn to plan, organize, and execute those ideas while working as a team to create a finished product.

WEBELOS – Moviemaking (4/22 @ 2:30pm EDT)

Webelos Scouts will use old and new media in this adventure to bring stories to life as movies. Lights! Camera! Action!


The $5.00 registration for VR Merit Badges and Virtual Cub Scout Activities are a donation to the Seneca Waterways Council, BSA to help support local Scouting Programs and Properties.  Instructors are not paid to provide this service.  If the $5.00 registration is a hardship for your family please email  Thank you for supporting Scouting and staying active in Scouting programs. 

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Scouting Type
  • Family Scouting
StateNew York
CountryUnited States

Aaron VikemyrAaron Vikemyr

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