David Madison / Saturday, October 5, 2019 / Categories: Scoutmaster Minutes Proactive VS Reactive - Scoutmaster Minute Do the waves of life toss you about or do you turn into them? The word reactive implies that you don't have the initiative. You let the events set the agenda. You get tossed by the tides of life. Each new wave catches you by surprise. You scramble just to stay afloat. In contrast the image we associate with pro-activity is one of grace under stress. It is not just that you anticipate the waves, but you turn into them. Being proactive is not a mysterious quality, it is something that we can learn to develop. Ask 1 what do you want to happen? 2 what do you need to make it happen? 3 what could go wrong and how to be ready to deal with that? 4 what is likely to happen before it happens. Previous Article CANI - Scoutmaster Minute Next Article Sharpen your Saw - Scoutmaster Minute Print 3763 Rate this article: No rating Tags: Be PreparedLeadership Scouting TypeFamily ScoutingScoutingVenturingSea Scouts David MadisonDavid Madison Other posts by David Madison Contact author Related articles Safety Afloat - Scoutmaster Minute Emergency Preparedness - Scoutmaster Minute ILST - What is it? You were created for Influence - Scoutmaster Minute Leaders you Love Please login or register to post comments.