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Merit Badges

Scout Field Round Scout Field Round

Scout Field Round

A definition and Comparison to the NFAA field round

0 45

The Scout Field Round is a unique adaptation of the traditional National Field Archery Association (NFAA) field round, designed specifically for use at Scouting America camps. It provides Scouts with an accessible yet challenging opportunity to hone their archery skills in a field setting, all while accommodating the practical needs of Scouting events and outdoor spaces.

Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA

Shooting Sports in Scouts BSA

A presentation to describe shooting sport opportunities in Scouts BSA Program

0 2374
Baden-Powell had strong belief that firearm safety should be part of Scouting Program. In the early days most of the scouts grew up with firearms in their everyday use on farms and for hunting for food. The purpose of BSA shooting sports is to teach firearm safety while introducing youth to a variety of shooting sports programs. The BSA’s shooting sports programs are...

Horsing around

Day trip, Campout, Farm, Merit Badges: Horsemanship and Animal Science

1 2936
Here is a different experience for your pack or troop! Head to the horse farm at 'Heart to Heart' Morgans, LLC in Alexander, NY. Work with the horses, learn how to ride, experience a...

Work on Merit Badges While Home!

Be resourceful and creative in how we can keep the Scouting program going!

0 7526
COVID-19 (coronavirus) is causing us to be even more resourceful and creative in how we keep the Scouting program going. Units may not be meeting as a group, but Scouts can continue to work on...

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