Moon Landing Survival Exercise Moon Landing Survival Exercise A Simulation Game for Patrols Monday, April 6, 2020 0 4363 Moon Landing You are a member of a space crew scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship on the lighted surface of the moon. However, due to mechanical difficulties, your own ship was forced to land at a spot 200 miles from the rendezvous point. During re-entry and landing, much of the equipment aboard was damaged and, since survival depends on reaching the mother ship, the most critical items available must be chosen for the 200-mile trip. Can you decide which to take--your survival depends on it.
Kahoot - A Great Online Fun and Learning Activity Kahoot - A Great Online Fun and Learning Activity Game with a purpose Thursday, April 9, 2020 0 15494 Kahoot---It only takes minutes to create a learning game or trivia quiz on any topic, in any language. Host a live game with questions on a big screen or share a game with remote players. An Excellent platform for multiple Scouts to learn and have fun especially during our virtual times. Make sure to have a dry run first with the quizmaster and Zoom host. Give people...
Plans and Tips for All 95+ Cub Scout Adventures Plans and Tips for All 95+ Cub Scout Adventures Resources to Share with Den Parents and Helpers -- To Deliver Cub Scouting at Home Monday, April 13, 2020 0 2993 "The Best Gift for a Cub Scout ... is Get Their Parents Involved". Follow the links here to resources that can be accessed by any Family, shared by any Den or Pack Leader, to help... Read more
Remote Quizzes - With Zoom Polling Remote Quizzes - With Zoom Polling Create a quiz and challenge your patrols Sunday, April 5, 2020 0 7964 Using the polling capabilities of the remote conferencing utility, you can create a multitude of challenges for your units dens or patrols. Read more
Scavenger Hunt for Patrols via Remote Scouting Scavenger Hunt for Patrols via Remote Scouting Patrols are to find these items as quickly as possible Friday, April 3, 2020 0 8284 Scanvenger hunts can be a lot of fun. Here is a way to challenge your patrols with a scavenger hunt where they must work together even though they are each in their own homes. Read more
Troop/Pack meetings with ZOOM Troop/Pack meetings with ZOOM Methods to do entire troop and break out skill development and patrol meetings. Saturday, March 28, 2020 0 13918 How do we conduct a Scout Troop meeting, or a Scout Pack meeting over a video conference? With potentially 50 to 100 people? How does the leader make presentations, skill demonstration, EDGE... Read more
Remote Meetings Remote Meetings How to meet when you cannot be in the same room. Monday, March 16, 2020 2 10894 With the reactions to try to get ahead of the COVID-19 virus, most meeting locations have been closed. This is understandable, yet it poses a challenge to organizations like Scouting... Read more
Working together on documents remotely Working together on documents remotely Google Apps like Docs, Sheets and Slides are very effective to work with others remotely Monday, March 16, 2020 0 3212 Need to get input from others on a meeting plan? Do you need to review a presentation with your patrol? Maybe you'd like to go over the budget for next year with your troop... Read more
How to conduct a board of review through Video Conferencing How to conduct a board of review through Video Conferencing